Saturday, February 28, 2009


Welcome to the blog! I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out and play with the layout, but here is the basic setup. So, basically my goal with this is to tell wonderful stories about my super exciting life and thereby entertain you all. However, my life really isn't that exciting so I'll probably just end up posting about Kayaking trips and maybe some thought provoking life lessons. 

I hope to be adding some pictures and the like eventually, so come back and visit!


  1. wow i've never seen you sound so enthused before

  2. Your life sucks. I'm bored already. - Roberta

  3. hooray!!! You started one!! I linked to you from my page too, so I can visit often.

    okay, let the adventures begin.

    seriously, I'm waiting.

  4. um, hi, are you not living life after all?? LAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMEEEEEEEE

